Lecture 22 – Case Study

Data 94, Spring 2021

In [1]:
from datascience import *
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import plotly.express as px


Note: We're not going to be able to work through this entire notebook in lecture; you should definitely review whatever we don't get a chance to finish.

World University Rankings 2020

Our dataset comes from Times Higher Education (THE)'s World University Rankings 2020. These are slightly outdated as there is a 2021 ranking now, but the data is still relevant.

In [2]:
world = Table.read_table('data/World_University_Rank_2020.csv')
In [3]:
Rank_Char Score_Rank University Country Number_students Numb_students_per_Staff International_Students Percentage_Female Percentage_Male Teaching Research Citations Industry_Income International_Outlook Score_Result Overall_Ranking
1 1 University of Oxford United Kingdom 20,664 11.2 41% 46% 54% 90.5 99.6 98.4 65.5 96.4 95.4 95.40
2 2 California Institute of Technology United States 2,240 6.4 30% 34% 66% 92.1 97.2 97.9 88 82.5 94.5 94.50
3 3 University of Cambridge United Kingdom 18,978 10.9 37% 47% 53% 91.4 98.7 95.8 59.3 95 94.4 94.40
4 4 Stanford University United States 16,135 7.3 23% 43% 57% 92.8 96.4 99.9 66.2 79.5 94.3 94.30
5 5 Massachusetts Institute of Technology United States 11,247 8.6 34% 39% 61% 90.5 92.4 99.5 86.9 89 93.6 93.60
6 6 Princeton University United States 7,983 8.1 25% 45% 55% 90.3 96.3 98.8 58.6 81.1 93.2 93.20
7 7 Harvard University United States 20,823 9.2 24% 49% 51% 89.2 98.6 99.1 47.3 76.3 93 93.00
8 8 Yale University United States 12,402 5.4 20% 50% 50% 92 94.8 97.3 52.4 68.7 91.7 91.70
9 9 University of Chicago United States 13,833 5.7 28% 46% 54% 89.1 91.4 96.7 52.7 76 90.2 90.20
10 10 Imperial College London United Kingdom 16,760 11.7 56% 38% 62% 84.5 87.6 97 69.9 97.1 89.8 89.80

... (1386 rows omitted)

It's always good to check how many schools we're dealing with:

In [4]:

Some columns ('Number_students', 'International_Students', 'Percentage_Female', 'Percentage_Male') have commas and percentage symbols, meaning they can't be stored as integers. Let's clean them.

In [5]:
# Notice how we use apply here!
def remove_symbol(s):
    return int(s.replace('%', '').replace(',', ''))
In [6]:
# Remember, the result of calling apply is an array
world.apply(remove_symbol, 'Number_students')
array([20664,  2240, 18978, ..., 15236, 17101,  9285])
In [7]:
world = world.with_columns(
    'Number_students', world.apply(remove_symbol, 'Number_students'),
    'International_Students', world.apply(remove_symbol, 'International_Students'),
    'Percentage_Female', world.apply(remove_symbol, 'Percentage_Female'),
    'Percentage_Male', world.apply(remove_symbol, 'Percentage_Male')

Now we can sort by any numeric column we want.

In [8]:
Rank_Char Score_Rank University Country Number_students Numb_students_per_Staff International_Students Percentage_Female Percentage_Male Teaching Research Citations Industry_Income International_Outlook Score_Result Overall_Ranking
16 15 Columbia University United States 26586 5.8 37 0 0 85.6 82.6 98.2 44.8 79.3 87 87.00
36 33 The University of Tokyo Japan 25913 10.6 12 0 0 85.9 89.6 60.7 77.4 38.2 75.7 75.70
47 40 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hong Kong 10125 22.3 31 0 0 57.4 66.1 89.8 71.9 97.7 73.1 73.10
51 44 University of Wisconsin-Madison United States 39154 10 13 0 0 68.8 70.3 85.3 46.3 47.4 72 72.00
52 45 Washington University in St Louis United States 13401 7.5 20 0 0 64.2 57.5 98.8 40.7 57.1 71.5 71.50
53 46 Brown University United States 9391 10.8 20 0 0 64 56.1 94.9 36.5 61.4 70 70.00
57 49 Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong 18340 18.6 32 0 0 55.8 62.8 84.5 55.2 97.8 69.6 69.60
64 54 Seoul National University South Korea 26182 12.4 12 0 0 72.3 71.6 66.5 86.6 35.8 68 68.00
74 62 Humboldt University of Berlin Germany 33463 56.1 17 0 0 61.8 66.8 67.9 40.2 67.8 65 65.00
80 67 University of Science and Technology of China China 16245 7.7 4 0 0 64.6 59.5 74.7 79.6 31.3 64 64.00

... (1386 rows omitted)

It seems like the above schools didn't report their sex breakdown, since 0% is the listed percentage of female and male students.

Let's start asking questions.

Which universities have the most international students?

We have an 'International_Students' column, but that tells us the percentage of international students at each school. Let's update that label to be more clear – let's change the label 'International_Students' to be '% International'.

In [9]:
world = world.relabeled('International_Students', '% International')
In [10]:
Rank_Char Score_Rank University Country Number_students Numb_students_per_Staff % International Percentage_Female Percentage_Male Teaching Research Citations Industry_Income International_Outlook Score_Result Overall_Ranking
1 1 University of Oxford United Kingdom 20664 11.2 41 46 54 90.5 99.6 98.4 65.5 96.4 95.4 95.40
2 2 California Institute of Technology United States 2240 6.4 30 34 66 92.1 97.2 97.9 88 82.5 94.5 94.50
3 3 University of Cambridge United Kingdom 18978 10.9 37 47 53 91.4 98.7 95.8 59.3 95 94.4 94.40
4 4 Stanford University United States 16135 7.3 23 43 57 92.8 96.4 99.9 66.2 79.5 94.3 94.30
5 5 Massachusetts Institute of Technology United States 11247 8.6 34 39 61 90.5 92.4 99.5 86.9 89 93.6 93.60
6 6 Princeton University United States 7983 8.1 25 45 55 90.3 96.3 98.8 58.6 81.1 93.2 93.20
7 7 Harvard University United States 20823 9.2 24 49 51 89.2 98.6 99.1 47.3 76.3 93 93.00
8 8 Yale University United States 12402 5.4 20 50 50 92 94.8 97.3 52.4 68.7 91.7 91.70
9 9 University of Chicago United States 13833 5.7 28 46 54 89.1 91.4 96.7 52.7 76 90.2 90.20
10 10 Imperial College London United Kingdom 16760 11.7 56 38 62 84.5 87.6 97 69.9 97.1 89.8 89.80

... (1386 rows omitted)

Then, to compute the number of international students at each school, we take the number of students at each school, multiply by the percentage of international students at each school, and divide by 100.

In [11]:
world.column('Number_students') * world.column('% International') / 100
array([8472.24,  672.  , 7021.86, ...,  457.08,    0.  ,  185.7 ])

We should probably round the result, since we can't have fractional humans.

In [12]:
num_international = np.round(world.column('Number_students') * world.column('% International') / 100, 0)
array([8472.,  672., 7022., ...,  457.,    0.,  186.])

We can add this as a column to our table:

In [13]:
world = world.with_columns(
    '# International', num_international

And we can sort by this column, while also selecting a subset of all columns just to focus on what's relevant:

In [14]:
world.select('University', 'Country', 'Number_students', '% International', '# International') \
     .sort('# International', descending = True)
University Country Number_students % International # International
University of Melbourne Australia 47385 46 21797
Monash University Australia 52989 39 20666
Al-Azhar University Egypt 342151 6 20529
UNSW Sydney Australia 44336 41 18178
University of Sydney Australia 45111 39 17593
UCL United Kingdom 32665 52 16986
University of British Columbia Canada 52108 32 16675
Eastern Mediterranean University Northern Cyprus 18865 83 15658
University of Toronto Canada 73370 21 15408
University of Manchester United Kingdom 37038 40 14815

... (1386 rows omitted)

This tells us that the University of Melbourne has the most international students, with 21,797. That's larger than many universities!

There are no US universities in the top 10 here. How can we find the universities in the US with the most international students?

Quick Check 1

Fill in the blanks so that the resulting table contains the 15 universities in the US with the most international students, sorted by number of international students in decreasing order.

In [ ]:
# __(a)__ means blank a

# world.select('University', 'Country', 'Number_students', '% International', '# International') \
#      .where(__(a)__, __(b)__) \
#      .sort('# International', __(c)__) \
#      .take(__(d)__)

If you do a quick Google search for "US universities with the most international students", you'll see NYU is usually #1. Cool!

How do the rankings actually work?

Times Higher Education's website tells us the methodology they use to rank universities:

This means they come up with a 'Teaching', 'Research', 'Citations', 'International_Outlook', and 'Industry_Income' score from 0 to 100 for each school, then compute a weighted average according to the above percentages to compute a school's 'Score_Result', which is how the schools are ranked.

Let's confirm this ourselves. First, let's get a subset of the columns since they won't all be relevant here.

In [15]:
scores_only = world.select('Score_Rank', 'University', 'Teaching', 'Research', 'Citations', 'International_Outlook', 'Industry_Income', 'Score_Result')
In [16]:
Score_Rank University Teaching Research Citations International_Outlook Industry_Income Score_Result
1 University of Oxford 90.5 99.6 98.4 96.4 65.5 95.4
2 California Institute of Technology 92.1 97.2 97.9 82.5 88 94.5
3 University of Cambridge 91.4 98.7 95.8 95 59.3 94.4
4 Stanford University 92.8 96.4 99.9 79.5 66.2 94.3
5 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 90.5 92.4 99.5 89 86.9 93.6
6 Princeton University 90.3 96.3 98.8 81.1 58.6 93.2
7 Harvard University 89.2 98.6 99.1 76.3 47.3 93
8 Yale University 92 94.8 97.3 68.7 52.4 91.7
9 University of Chicago 89.1 91.4 96.7 76 52.7 90.2
10 Imperial College London 84.5 87.6 97 97.1 69.9 89.8

... (1386 rows omitted)

The graphic tells us that the weights for each column are:

  • 'Teaching': 0.3
  • 'Research': 0.3
  • 'Citations': 0.3
  • 'International_Outlook': 0.075
  • 'Industry_Income': 0.025

(Remember, to convert from percentage to proportion we divide by 100.)

Let's try and apply this to the school at the very top of the table, University of Oxford.

In [17]:
0.3 * 90.5 + \
0.3 * 99.6 + \
0.3 * 98.4 + \
0.075 * 96.4 + \
0.025 * 65.5

The result, 95.4175, matches what we see in the 'Score_Result' column for University of Oxford.

We can apply the above formula to all rows in our table as well.

In [18]:
score_result_manual_calculation = \
0.3 * scores_only.column('Teaching') + \
0.3 * scores_only.column('Research') + \
0.3 * scores_only.column('Citations') + \
0.075 * scores_only.column('International_Outlook') + \
0.025 * scores_only.column('Industry_Income')
In [19]:
array([95.4175, 94.5475, 94.3775, ..., 11.055 , 10.9625, 10.6875])

To confirm that the results we got match the 'Score_Result' column in scores_only, we can add the above array to our table:

In [20]:
    'Score Result Manual', score_result_manual_calculation
Score_Rank University Teaching Research Citations International_Outlook Industry_Income Score_Result Score Result Manual
1 University of Oxford 90.5 99.6 98.4 96.4 65.5 95.4 95.4175
2 California Institute of Technology 92.1 97.2 97.9 82.5 88 94.5 94.5475
3 University of Cambridge 91.4 98.7 95.8 95 59.3 94.4 94.3775
4 Stanford University 92.8 96.4 99.9 79.5 66.2 94.3 94.3475
5 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 90.5 92.4 99.5 89 86.9 93.6 93.5675
6 Princeton University 90.3 96.3 98.8 81.1 58.6 93.2 93.1675
7 Harvard University 89.2 98.6 99.1 76.3 47.3 93 92.975
8 Yale University 92 94.8 97.3 68.7 52.4 91.7 91.6925
9 University of Chicago 89.1 91.4 96.7 76 52.7 90.2 90.1775
10 Imperial College London 84.5 87.6 97 97.1 69.9 89.8 89.76

... (1386 rows omitted)

This shows we've successfully reverse-engineered how the rankings work!

What if we want to change the methodology?

Now that we know how to compute 'Score_Result's using THE's percentages, we can also pick our own percentages if we want to prioritize different components in our ranking.

For instance, we may feel like THE's methodology places too much emphasis on research – together, 'Research' and 'Citations' make up 60% of the overall score.

We could choose to use the following breakdown, which we'll call "Breakdown 1":

  • 'Teaching': 60%
  • 'International_Outlook': 30%
  • 'Industry_Income': 10%
In [21]:
breakdown_1 = 0.6 * scores_only.column('Teaching') \
            + 0.3 * scores_only.column('International_Outlook') \
            + 0.1 * scores_only.column('Industry_Income')

array([89.77, 88.81, 89.27, ..., 18.9 , 17.09, 18.39])

This gives us new overall scores for each school; we can add this column to our table and sort by it.

In [22]:
scores_only = scores_only.with_columns(
    'Breakdown 1', breakdown_1
In [23]:
scores_only.sort('Breakdown 1', descending = True)
Score_Rank University Teaching Research Citations International_Outlook Industry_Income Score_Result Breakdown 1
1 University of Oxford 90.5 99.6 98.4 96.4 65.5 95.4 89.77
5 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 90.5 92.4 99.5 89 86.9 93.6 89.69
3 University of Cambridge 91.4 98.7 95.8 95 59.3 94.4 89.27
2 California Institute of Technology 92.1 97.2 97.9 82.5 88 94.5 88.81
10 Imperial College London 84.5 87.6 97 97.1 69.9 89.8 86.82
4 Stanford University 92.8 96.4 99.9 79.5 66.2 94.3 86.15
6 Princeton University 90.3 96.3 98.8 81.1 58.6 93.2 84.37
13 ETH Zurich 81.8 92.8 90.3 98.2 56.8 88.3 84.22
9 University of Chicago 89.1 91.4 96.7 76 52.7 90.2 81.53
7 Harvard University 89.2 98.6 99.1 76.3 47.3 93 81.14

... (1386 rows omitted)

In [24]:
scores_only.sort('Breakdown 1', descending = True).take(23)
Score_Rank University Teaching Research Citations International_Outlook Industry_Income Score_Result Breakdown 1
13 University of California, Berkeley 83 90.6 99.2 70.4 46.1 88.3 75.53

Note that when we choose this methodology, UC Berkeley is ranked much lower (24th instead of 13th). This is likely due to:

    1. UC Berkeley's exceptionally high 'Research' and 'Citations' scores not being included in the ranking
    1. UC Berkeley's large class sizes giving it a comparatively low 'Teaching' score
    1. UC Berkeley's low score for 'Industry_Income'. This component factors in the amount that the university receives in funding from industrial partners – given that it's a public school it's unsurprising that this amount is low, but also many "wealthy" universities have a relatively low score here too, so it's not clear how much this should matter (see here for more).

Maybe we want to place some emphasis on research, but not as much as was placed in the initial ranking. We could then make "Breakdown 2":

  • 'Teaching': 50%
  • 'Research': 15%
  • 'Citations': 15%
  • 'International_Outlook': 15%
  • 'Industry_Income': 5%

Quick Check 2

Assign breakdown_2 to an array of overall scores for schools calculated according to our Breakdown 2 above, and add it as a column to scores_only with the label 'Breakdown 2'. _Hint: Start by copying our code for breakdown_1, which was:_

breakdown_1 = 0.6 * scores_only.column('Teaching') \
            + 0.3 * scores_only.column('International_Outlook') \
            + 0.1 * scores_only.column('Industry_Income')
In [ ]:
# Answer QC here before running the next cell
In [ ]:
scores_only.sort('Breakdown 2', descending = True)

"Breakdown 2" is much closer to THE's actual breakdown and the ordering here reflects that.

What do you care about in a university? Try your own breakdown!

We should note though that we haven't really thought about how THE comes up with the scores for each of the five categories (or the fact that university rankings have inherent flaws).

Which countries have the most universities in the ranking?

Back to the full world table:

In [25]:
Rank_Char Score_Rank University Country Number_students Numb_students_per_Staff % International Percentage_Female Percentage_Male Teaching Research Citations Industry_Income International_Outlook Score_Result Overall_Ranking # International
1 1 University of Oxford United Kingdom 20664 11.2 41 46 54 90.5 99.6 98.4 65.5 96.4 95.4 95.40 8472
2 2 California Institute of Technology United States 2240 6.4 30 34 66 92.1 97.2 97.9 88 82.5 94.5 94.50 672
3 3 University of Cambridge United Kingdom 18978 10.9 37 47 53 91.4 98.7 95.8 59.3 95 94.4 94.40 7022
4 4 Stanford University United States 16135 7.3 23 43 57 92.8 96.4 99.9 66.2 79.5 94.3 94.30 3711
5 5 Massachusetts Institute of Technology United States 11247 8.6 34 39 61 90.5 92.4 99.5 86.9 89 93.6 93.60 3824
6 6 Princeton University United States 7983 8.1 25 45 55 90.3 96.3 98.8 58.6 81.1 93.2 93.20 1996
7 7 Harvard University United States 20823 9.2 24 49 51 89.2 98.6 99.1 47.3 76.3 93 93.00 4998
8 8 Yale University United States 12402 5.4 20 50 50 92 94.8 97.3 52.4 68.7 91.7 91.70 2480
9 9 University of Chicago United States 13833 5.7 28 46 54 89.1 91.4 96.7 52.7 76 90.2 90.20 3873
10 10 Imperial College London United Kingdom 16760 11.7 56 38 62 84.5 87.6 97 69.9 97.1 89.8 89.80 9386

... (1386 rows omitted)

To determine the number of universities per country, we can group by 'Country':

In [26]:
Country count
Algeria 8
Argentina 4
Australia 35
Austria 11
Bangladesh 1
Belarus 1
Belgium 8
Brazil 46
Brunei Darussalam 1
Bulgaria 1

... (82 rows omitted)

It's a good idea to sort too:

In [27]:
world.group('Country').sort('count', descending = True)
Country count
United States 172
Japan 110
United Kingdom 100
China 81
India 56
Germany 48
Brazil 46
Italy 45
Spain 45
Iran 40

... (82 rows omitted)

How do we get the number of universities in each country with at least 25 universities on the list?

In [28]:
world.group('Country').where('count', are.above_or_equal_to(25))
Country count
Australia 35
Brazil 46
Canada 30
China 81
France 38
Germany 48
India 56
Iran 40
Italy 45
Japan 110

... (7 rows omitted)

Run the cell below to see a bar graph of the number of universities in each country above.

In [29]:
world.group('Country').where('count', are.above_or_equal_to(25)).sort('count').barh('Country')

No surprises here!

We could also determine the average 'Score_Rating' for every country in the list.

In [30]:
world.group('Country', np.mean)
Country Rank_Char mean Score_Rank mean University mean Number_students mean Numb_students_per_Staff mean % International mean Percentage_Female mean Percentage_Male mean Teaching mean Research mean Citations mean Industry_Income mean International_Outlook mean Score_Result mean Overall_Ranking mean # International mean
Algeria 465.875 35610.2 21.6125 0.75 59.75 40.25 18.325 7.5375 22.5125 34.7 36.9125 18.1625 246.75
Argentina 468.75 35442.2 12.95 2.5 63 37 17.875 8.125 21.625 35.075 34.125 17.75 867
Australia 178.514 23652.1 29.3314 28.3714 54.5143 42.6286 29.6943 35.6486 75 50.1229 84.86 49.7171 6970.23
Austria 225 10101.5 14.1 25 49 51 31.2545 23.6273 65.3 51.3909 81.6909 43.4727 2531.45
Bangladesh 483 34108 15.6 0 42 58 16 8.8 16.4 36.6 40.8 16.3 0
Belarus 459 27101 8.4 9 55 45 21.3 9.7 13.3 42.4 58.1 18.7 2439
Belgium 138.375 23646.5 33.075 19 53.125 46.875 37.4875 48.1875 71.075 72.675 72.8125 54.3125 4399.88
Brazil 447.609 27438.1 15.4935 0.934783 48.6087 47.0435 23.0587 13.2543 21.2739 39.0848 23.1239 19.987 299.043
Brunei Darussalam 234 3830 10.9 15 67 33 23 19.3 74.4 34.8 85.8 42.3 574
Bulgaria 471 21988 9.3 6 65 35 20.7 9.6 14.2 35.3 43.7 17.5 1319

... (82 rows omitted)

We need to select the relevant columns here and then sort.

In [31]:
world.group('Country', np.mean).select('Country', 'Score_Result mean').sort('Score_Result mean', descending = True)
Country Score_Result mean
Singapore 77.4
Hong Kong 62.4167
Netherlands 61.4923
Switzerland 57.3909
Belgium 54.3125
Luxembourg 53.7
Denmark 51.6286
Germany 51.3188
Sweden 51.1167
United States 50.1081

... (82 rows omitted)

This tells us which countries have the "best" universities according to ranking. However, many of the countries at the top are small:

In [32]:
world.where('Country', 'Singapore')
Rank_Char Score_Rank University Country Number_students Numb_students_per_Staff % International Percentage_Female Percentage_Male Teaching Research Citations Industry_Income International_Outlook Score_Result Overall_Ranking # International
25 24 National University of Singapore Singapore 30869 17.9 28 51 49 76.8 90.4 76.9 58.8 95.5 81.9 81.90 8643
48 42 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Singapore 25088 15.9 27 48 52 57.6 70.4 84.9 76.5 95.1 72.9 72.90 6774

There are only two universities on the list from Singapore, and they're both ranked relatively high.

What's the best university in each country?

It turns out this can be answered by grouping with a particular collect function.

In [33]:
def first(arr):
    return arr.item(0)

When we group by 'Country' and use first as our collectfunction, we get the first row for each country in the table. Since the world table is sorted by ranking to begin with, we don't need to sort before grouping.

In [34]:
world.group('Country', first)
Country Rank_Char first Score_Rank first University first Number_students first Numb_students_per_Staff first % International first Percentage_Female first Percentage_Male first Teaching first Research first Citations first Industry_Income first International_Outlook first Score_Result first Overall_Ranking first # International first
Algeria 601�800 318 Ferhat Abbas S�tif University 1 34002 22.7 1 65 35 17.7 7.7 73 34.4 41.8 33.5 28.3�35.2 340
Argentina 1001+ 437 National University of San Mart�n 15236 15.8 5 65 35 16.5 8.8 31.9 35 39.1 21 10.7�22.1 762
Australia 32 30 University of Melbourne 47385 26.3 46 56 44 65.9 74.1 89.8 76.3 93.1 77.8 77.80 21797
Austria 134 101 University of Vienna 33547 40.2 27 66 34 48.1 55.3 64.6 37.1 94.2 58.4 58.40 9058
Bangladesh 1001+ 483 University of Dhaka 34108 15.6 0 42 58 16 8.8 16.4 36.6 40.8 16.3 10.7�22.1 0
Belarus 1001+ 459 Belarusian State University 27101 8.4 9 55 45 21.3 9.7 13.3 42.4 58.1 18.7 10.7�22.1 2439
Belgium 45 39 KU Leuven 45049 36.3 15 50 50 58.7 73.9 85.3 99.3 71.8 73.2 73.20 6757
Brazil 251�300 172 University of S�o Paulo 83214 15.9 4 48 52 56.4 54 40.6 39.9 33.9 48.8 46.9�50.0 3329
Brunei Darussalam 401�500 234 Universiti Brunei Darussalam 3830 10.9 15 67 33 23 19.3 74.4 34.8 85.8 42.3 38.8�42.3 574
Bulgaria 1001+ 471 Sofia University 21988 9.3 6 65 35 20.7 9.6 14.2 35.3 43.7 17.5 10.7�22.1 1319

... (82 rows omitted)

Let's sort the resulting table by ranking (and also extract a few relevant columns):

In [35]:
world.group('Country', first) \
.sort('Score_Result first', descending = True) \
.select('Score_Rank first', 'Country', 'University first', 'Score_Result first')
Score_Rank first Country University first Score_Result first
1 United Kingdom University of Oxford 95.4
2 United States California Institute of Technology 94.5
13 Switzerland ETH Zurich 88.3
17 Canada University of Toronto 85.5
22 China Tsinghua University 82.6
24 Singapore National University of Singapore 81.9
30 Australia University of Melbourne 77.8
30 Germany LMU Munich 77.8
32 Hong Kong University of Hong Kong 75.9
33 Japan The University of Tokyo 75.7

... (82 rows omitted)

By default, the column we grouped by (so 'Country') is the left-most column, but because we selected them in a different order in the last line above they appear in a different order.

What the 'Score_Rank first' column tells us is how highly-ranked the best university in each country is. It tells us the best university in Canada is 17th best in the world, and the best university in Japan is 33rd best in the world – again, according to THE.

Question: What if we wanted the second best, or third best, university in each country?

In which states are the best US universities located?

So far we've been looking at universities across the world. We may want to zoom in on just universities in the US (and also select just a few relevant columns):

In [36]:
us_only = world.where('Country', 'United States') \
               .select('University', 'Number_students', 'Score_Result')
In [37]:
University Number_students Score_Result
California Institute of Technology 2240 94.5
Stanford University 16135 94.3
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 11247 93.6
Princeton University 7983 93.2
Harvard University 20823 93
Yale University 12402 91.7
University of Chicago 13833 90.2
University of Pennsylvania 20578 89.6
Johns Hopkins University 16171 89.2
University of California, Berkeley 41081 88.3

... (162 rows omitted)

Right now we don't have any information about where these schools are located within the US.

But we can get that information! Let's refer to Wikipedia's article List of research universities in the United States for help. There are two tables there: one for "R1: Doctoral Universities – Very high research activity" and one for "R2: Doctoral Universities – High research activity". For simplicity's sake we'll take just the first table, since the majority of schools in us_only will be contained in it.

Run the cell below to load that table in.

If you're curious as to how we downloaded the information from Wikipedia: We used this site, which allows you to specify a Wikipedia URL and gives you a CSV file.

In [38]:
us_r1 = Table.read_table('data/us-r1-universities.csv')
Institution Control City State
University of Alabama Public Tuscaloosa AL
University of Alabama at Birmingham Public Birmingham AL
University at Albany Public Albany NY
University of Arizona Public Tucson AZ
Arizona State University Public Tempe AZ
University of Arkansas Public Fayetteville AR
Auburn University Public Auburn AL
Binghamton University Public Vestal NY
Boston College Private (non-profit) Chestnut Hill MA
Boston University Private (non-profit) Boston MA

... (121 rows omitted)

Now, let's join the two tables together. We want to look for matches between the 'University' column in us_only and the 'Institution' column in us_r1.

In [39]:
# Think about why these are the arguments to join!
us_with_state = us_only.join('University', us_r1, 'Institution')
University Number_students Score_Result Control City State
Auburn University 26641 33.4 Public Auburn AL
Boston College 12904 45.9 Private (non-profit) Chestnut Hill MA
Boston University 25662 68.4 Private (non-profit) Boston MA
Brandeis University 5375 50.3 Private (non-profit) Waltham MA
Brown University 9391 70 Private (non-profit) Providence RI
California Institute of Technology 2240 94.5 Private (non-profit) Pasadena CA
Carnegie Mellon University 13430 81.3 Private (non-profit) Pittsburgh PA
Case Western Reserve University 10654 60 Private (non-profit) Cleveland OH
Clemson University 21436 30.7 Public Clemson SC
Columbia University 26586 87 Private (non-profit) New York NY

... (86 rows omitted)

The above table only has 96 rows, whereas the bar chart earlier told us there were 172 US schools in our rankings table. That likely means we lost rows as a result of:

  • School names not matching between the two tables (maybe one column had a typo or alternative name)
  • School names not being in us_r1

At a glance though it doesn't seem like there are major omissions, since all of the top 10 US schools are still there:

In [40]:
us_with_state.sort('Score_Result', descending = True)
University Number_students Score_Result Control City State
California Institute of Technology 2240 94.5 Private (non-profit) Pasadena CA
Stanford University 16135 94.3 Private (non-profit) Stanford CA
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 11247 93.6 Private (non-profit) Cambridge MA
Princeton University 7983 93.2 Private (non-profit) Princeton NJ
Harvard University 20823 93 Private (non-profit) Cambridge MA
Yale University 12402 91.7 Private (non-profit) New Haven CT
University of Chicago 13833 90.2 Private (non-profit) Chicago IL
University of Pennsylvania 20578 89.6 Private (non-profit) Philadelphia PA
Johns Hopkins University 16171 89.2 Private (non-profit) Baltimore MD
University of California, Berkeley 41081 88.3 Public Berkeley CA

... (86 rows omitted)

Let's proceed. Since our original goal was to determine the states in which the best schools were, we can group by 'State' – first with no aggregation function, and then with np.mean to look at the average 'Score_Result' for each state.

In [41]:
us_with_state.group('State').sort('count', descending = True)
State count
CA 11
NY 8
TX 8
MA 7
FL 5
GA 4
PA 4
AL 3
IL 3
NC 3

... (29 rows omitted)

In [42]:
# sort(1) means sort by the column at index 1, which is 'Score_Result mean'
us_with_state.group('State', np.mean).select('State', 'Score_Result mean').sort(1, descending = True)
State Score_Result mean
MD 76
IL 74.4333
CA 74.3364
RI 70
CT 67.2
NC 66.7667
MA 66.4
NJ 64.75
PA 64.575
MN 64.1

... (29 rows omitted)

The above tells us that California had the most high-ranked schools in the dataset, while Maryland has the highest average ranking amongst all states in the dataset. However, just like with Singapore earlier, there aren't many schools from Maryland:

In [43]:
us_with_state.where('State', 'MD')
University Number_students Score_Result Control City State
Johns Hopkins University 16171 89.2 Private (non-profit) Baltimore MD
University of Maryland, College Park 33108 62.8 Public College Park MD

Followup – how do public and private schools in the US compare?

The us_r1 table brought us more information that we haven't yet used – it gave us information about whether each school is public or private! Let's do some initial queries.

In [44]:
Control count
Private (non-profit) 36
Public 60
In [45]:
us_with_state.group('Control', np.mean)
Control University mean Number_students mean Score_Result mean City mean State mean
Private (non-profit) 15758.9 69.7361
Public 30973 49.6333

It seems like there are fewer US private schools in the dataset, but they're ranked higher than the public schools in the dataset on average. They're also smaller on average, at ~16,000 to ~31,000.

Since we have two categories, we can group:

In [47]:
us_with_state.group(['State', 'Control'])
State Control count
AL Public 3
AR Public 1
AZ Public 1
CA Private (non-profit) 3
CA Public 8
CO Public 1
CT Private (non-profit) 1
CT Public 1
DC Private (non-profit) 2
DE Public 1

... (41 rows omitted)

But an easier way to look at the above would be to create a pivot table:

In [48]:
us_with_state.pivot('Control', 'State')
State Private (non-profit) Public
AL 0 3
AR 0 1
AZ 0 1
CA 3 8
CO 0 1
CT 1 1
DC 2 0
DE 0 1
FL 1 4
GA 1 3

... (29 rows omitted)

If we want the states with the most public schools in the ranking:

In [49]:
us_with_state.pivot('Control', 'State').sort('Public', descending = True)
State Private (non-profit) Public
CA 3 8
TX 1 7
FL 1 4
AL 0 3
GA 1 3
IA 0 2
KS 0 2
MI 0 2
NC 1 2
NY 6 2

... (29 rows omitted)

What if we want the average 'Score_Result' for each state, separated by public vs. private? We can do that too.

In [50]:
us_with_state.pivot('Control', 'State', 'Score_Result', np.mean)
State Private (non-profit) Public
AL 0 43.4
AR 0 29.4
AZ 0 61.8
CA 85.6333 70.1
CO 0 59.6
CT 91.7 42.7
DC 57.8 0
DE 0 47.3
FL 51.2 44.325
GA 64 52.9667

... (29 rows omitted)

This, in theory, gives us the states with the "best" public universities at the top.

In [51]:
us_with_state.pivot('Control', 'State', 'Score_Result', np.mean).sort('Public', descending = True)
State Private (non-profit) Public
CA 85.6333 70.1
MN 0 64.1
WA 0 62.9
MD 89.2 62.8
AZ 0 61.8
CO 0 59.6
NC 84 58.15
MI 0 54.15
GA 64 52.9667
UT 0 51.7

... (29 rows omitted)

This doesn't mean a whole lot, since the number of public universities in each state is wildly different.

For example, we see Minnesota ('MN') is the second row – there's only one school in the dataset from Minnesota!

In [52]:
us_with_state.where('State', 'MN')
University Number_students Score_Result Control City State
University of Minnesota 61120 64.1 Public Minneapolis MN

A warning

If you pivot with columns that don't really make sense, you'll get weird results:

In [53]:
us_with_state.pivot('State', 'University')
Auburn University 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Boston College 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Boston University 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Brandeis University 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Brown University 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
California Institute of Technology 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Carnegie Mellon University 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Case Western Reserve University 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Clemson University 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Columbia University 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

... (86 rows omitted)


Make sure to review all of the code in this notebook, as it's all great review for the quiz.