Lecture 18 – Row Manipulation

Data 94, Spring 2021

In [1]:
from datascience import *
import numpy as np
import plotly.express as px
In [2]:
sat = Table.read_table('data/sat2014-lecture.csv')
In [3]:
State Participation Rate Critical Reading Math Writing
Alabama 6.7 547 538 532
Alaska 54.2 507 503 475
Arizona 36.4 522 525 500
Arkansas 4.2 573 571 554
California 60.3 498 510 496
Colorado 14.3 582 586 567
Connecticut 88.4 507 510 508
Delaware 100 456 459 444
District of Columbia 100 440 438 431
Florida 72.2 491 485 472

... (41 rows omitted)

In [4]:
sat.num_rows, sat.num_columns
(51, 5)

It would be nice to have a combined score too.

In [5]:
sat.column('Critical Reading') + sat.column('Math') + sat.column('Writing')
array([1617, 1485, 1547, 1698, 1504, 1735, 1525, 1359, 1309, 1448, 1445,
       1460, 1364, 1802, 1474, 1794, 1753, 1746, 1667, 1387, 1468, 1556,
       1784, 1786, 1714, 1771, 1637, 1745, 1458, 1566, 1526, 1617, 1468,
       1483, 1816, 1652, 1697, 1544, 1481, 1480, 1443, 1792, 1714, 1432,
       1690, 1554, 1530, 1519, 1522, 1782, 1762])
In [6]:
sat = sat.with_columns(
    'Combined', sat.column('Critical Reading') + sat.column('Math') + sat.column('Writing')
In [7]:
State Participation Rate Critical Reading Math Writing Combined
Alabama 6.7 547 538 532 1617
Alaska 54.2 507 503 475 1485
Arizona 36.4 522 525 500 1547
Arkansas 4.2 573 571 554 1698
California 60.3 498 510 496 1504
Colorado 14.3 582 586 567 1735
Connecticut 88.4 507 510 508 1525
Delaware 100 456 459 444 1359
District of Columbia 100 440 438 431 1309
Florida 72.2 491 485 472 1448

... (41 rows omitted)


Which states had the highest combined scores? The lowest?

In [8]:
State Participation Rate Critical Reading Math Writing Combined
District of Columbia 100 440 438 431 1309
Delaware 100 456 459 444 1359
Idaho 100 458 456 450 1364
Maine 95.6 467 471 449 1387
Texas 62 476 495 461 1432
South Carolina 64.9 488 490 465 1443
Georgia 77.2 488 485 472 1445
Florida 72.2 491 485 472 1448
Nevada 54.2 495 494 469 1458
Hawaii 62.6 484 504 472 1460

... (41 rows omitted)

In [9]:
# By default, descending is False
sat.sort('Combined', descending = True)
State Participation Rate Critical Reading Math Writing Combined
North Dakota 2.3 612 620 584 1816
Illinois 4.6 599 616 587 1802
Iowa 3.1 605 611 578 1794
South Dakota 2.9 604 609 579 1792
Minnesota 5.9 598 610 578 1786
Michigan 3.8 593 610 581 1784
Wisconsin 3.9 596 608 578 1782
Missouri 4.2 595 597 579 1771
Wyoming 3.3 590 599 573 1762
Kansas 5.3 591 596 566 1753

... (41 rows omitted)

We can sort by any column:

In [10]:
sat.sort('Participation Rate')
State Participation Rate Critical Reading Math Writing Combined
North Dakota 2.3 612 620 584 1816
South Dakota 2.9 604 609 579 1792
Iowa 3.1 605 611 578 1794
Mississippi 3.2 583 566 565 1714
Wyoming 3.3 590 599 573 1762
Nebraska 3.7 589 587 569 1745
Michigan 3.8 593 610 581 1784
Wisconsin 3.9 596 608 578 1782
Arkansas 4.2 573 571 554 1698
Missouri 4.2 595 597 579 1771

... (41 rows omitted)

In [11]:
sat.sort('Math', descending = True)
State Participation Rate Critical Reading Math Writing Combined
North Dakota 2.3 612 620 584 1816
Illinois 4.6 599 616 587 1802
Iowa 3.1 605 611 578 1794
Michigan 3.8 593 610 581 1784
Minnesota 5.9 598 610 578 1786
South Dakota 2.9 604 609 579 1792
Wisconsin 3.9 596 608 578 1782
Wyoming 3.3 590 599 573 1762
Missouri 4.2 595 597 579 1771
Kansas 5.3 591 596 566 1753

... (41 rows omitted)

In [12]:
# Can also sort alphabetical columns; in this case the table was sorted by state name by default
State Participation Rate Critical Reading Math Writing Combined
Alabama 6.7 547 538 532 1617
Alaska 54.2 507 503 475 1485
Arizona 36.4 522 525 500 1547
Arkansas 4.2 573 571 554 1698
California 60.3 498 510 496 1504
Colorado 14.3 582 586 567 1735
Connecticut 88.4 507 510 508 1525
Delaware 100 456 459 444 1359
District of Columbia 100 440 438 431 1309
Florida 72.2 491 485 472 1448

... (41 rows omitted)


In [13]:
State Participation Rate Critical Reading Math Writing Combined
Alabama 6.7 547 538 532 1617
Alaska 54.2 507 503 475 1485
Arizona 36.4 522 525 500 1547
Arkansas 4.2 573 571 554 1698
California 60.3 498 510 496 1504
Colorado 14.3 582 586 567 1735
Connecticut 88.4 507 510 508 1525
Delaware 100 456 459 444 1359
District of Columbia 100 440 438 431 1309
Florida 72.2 491 485 472 1448

... (41 rows omitted)

In [14]:
State Participation Rate Critical Reading Math Writing Combined
Arizona 36.4 522 525 500 1547
In [15]:
sat.take(np.array([1, 4, 3]))
State Participation Rate Critical Reading Math Writing Combined
Alaska 54.2 507 503 475 1485
California 60.3 498 510 496 1504
Arkansas 4.2 573 571 554 1698
In [16]:
array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
In [17]:
State Participation Rate Critical Reading Math Writing Combined
Alabama 6.7 547 538 532 1617
Alaska 54.2 507 503 475 1485
Arizona 36.4 522 525 500 1547
Arkansas 4.2 573 571 554 1698
California 60.3 498 510 496 1504

When we combine sort and take, we can get some pretty powerful answers.

What are the top 5 states according to math scores?

In [18]:
sat.sort('Combined', descending = True).take(np.arange(5))
State Participation Rate Critical Reading Math Writing Combined
North Dakota 2.3 612 620 584 1816
Illinois 4.6 599 616 587 1802
Iowa 3.1 605 611 578 1794
South Dakota 2.9 604 609 579 1792
Minnesota 5.9 598 610 578 1786

What are the top 8 states in terms of participation?

In [19]:
sat.sort('Participation Rate', descending = True).take(np.arange(8))
State Participation Rate Critical Reading Math Writing Combined
Delaware 100 456 459 444 1359
District of Columbia 100 440 438 431 1309
Idaho 100 458 456 450 1364
Maine 95.6 467 471 449 1387
Connecticut 88.4 507 510 508 1525
Massachusetts 84.1 516 531 509 1556
New Jersey 79.3 501 523 502 1526
Maryland 78.5 492 495 481 1468

Note: .take works on arrays too, not just tables!

In [20]:
array(['Alabama', 'Alaska', 'Arizona', 'Arkansas', 'California'],
In [21]:
array(['Alabama', 'Alaska', 'Arizona', 'Arkansas', 'California'],

Quick Check 1

In [22]:
animals = Table.read_table('data/animals.csv')
In [23]:
brainwt bodywt animal
3.385 44.5 Arctic_fox
0.48 15.499 Owl_monkey
1.35 8.1 Beaver
464.983 423.012 Cow
36.328 119.498 Gray_wolf
27.66 114.996 Goat
14.831 98.199 Roe_deer
1.04 5.5 Guinea_pig
4.19 57.998 Vervet
0.425 6.4 Chinchilla

... (52 rows omitted)

In [24]:
# animals._____(_____).column(_____).take(_____)
In [ ]:


In [25]:
State Participation Rate Critical Reading Math Writing Combined
Alabama 6.7 547 538 532 1617
Alaska 54.2 507 503 475 1485
Arizona 36.4 522 525 500 1547
Arkansas 4.2 573 571 554 1698
California 60.3 498 510 496 1504
Colorado 14.3 582 586 567 1735
Connecticut 88.4 507 510 508 1525
Delaware 100 456 459 444 1359
District of Columbia 100 440 438 431 1309
Florida 72.2 491 485 472 1448

... (41 rows omitted)

In [26]:
sat.where('Combined', are.above(1800))
State Participation Rate Critical Reading Math Writing Combined
Illinois 4.6 599 616 587 1802
North Dakota 2.3 612 620 584 1816
In [27]:
sat.where('State', are.equal_to('California'))
State Participation Rate Critical Reading Math Writing Combined
California 60.3 498 510 496 1504
In [28]:
sat.where('State', are.containing('Dakota'))
State Participation Rate Critical Reading Math Writing Combined
North Dakota 2.3 612 620 584 1816
South Dakota 2.9 604 609 579 1792
In [29]:
sat.where('Math', are.between(580, 600))
State Participation Rate Critical Reading Math Writing Combined
Colorado 14.3 582 586 567 1735
Kansas 5.3 591 596 566 1753
Kentucky 4.6 589 585 572 1746
Missouri 4.2 595 597 579 1771
Nebraska 3.7 589 587 569 1745
Wyoming 3.3 590 599 573 1762

Shortcut for are.equal_to

In [30]:
sat.where('State', are.equal_to('Pennsylvania'))
State Participation Rate Critical Reading Math Writing Combined
Pennsylvania 71.4 497 504 480 1481
In [31]:
sat.where('State', 'Pennsylvania')
State Participation Rate Critical Reading Math Writing Combined
Pennsylvania 71.4 497 504 480 1481

Multiple conditions

In [32]:
State Participation Rate Critical Reading Math Writing Combined
Alabama 6.7 547 538 532 1617
Alaska 54.2 507 503 475 1485
Arizona 36.4 522 525 500 1547
Arkansas 4.2 573 571 554 1698
California 60.3 498 510 496 1504
Colorado 14.3 582 586 567 1735
Connecticut 88.4 507 510 508 1525
Delaware 100 456 459 444 1359
District of Columbia 100 440 438 431 1309
Florida 72.2 491 485 472 1448

... (41 rows omitted)

In [33]:
sat.where('Participation Rate', are.above(20)).where('Combined', are.above(1500))
State Participation Rate Critical Reading Math Writing Combined
Arizona 36.4 522 525 500 1547
California 60.3 498 510 496 1504
Connecticut 88.4 507 510 508 1525
Massachusetts 84.1 516 531 509 1556
New Hampshire 70.3 524 530 512 1566
New Jersey 79.3 501 523 502 1526
Oregon 47.9 523 522 499 1544
Vermont 63.1 522 525 507 1554
Virginia 73.1 518 515 497 1530
Washington 63.1 510 518 491 1519
In [34]:
sat.where('Participation Rate', are.below(10)).where('Combined', are.above(1600))
State Participation Rate Critical Reading Math Writing Combined
Alabama 6.7 547 538 532 1617
Arkansas 4.2 573 571 554 1698
Illinois 4.6 599 616 587 1802
Iowa 3.1 605 611 578 1794
Kansas 5.3 591 596 566 1753
Kentucky 4.6 589 585 572 1746
Louisiana 4.6 561 556 550 1667
Michigan 3.8 593 610 581 1784
Minnesota 5.9 598 610 578 1786
Mississippi 3.2 583 566 565 1714

... (9 rows omitted)

In [35]:
deep_south = np.array(['Alabama', 'Georgia', 'Louisiana', 'Mississippi', 'South Carolina'])
In [36]:
sat.where('State', are.contained_in(deep_south))
State Participation Rate Critical Reading Math Writing Combined
Alabama 6.7 547 538 532 1617
Georgia 77.2 488 485 472 1445
Louisiana 4.6 561 556 550 1667
Mississippi 3.2 583 566 565 1714
South Carolina 64.9 488 490 465 1443
In [37]:
sat.where('State', are.contained_in(deep_south)) \
   .where('Participation Rate', are.below(10)) \
   .where('Combined', are.above(1600))
State Participation Rate Critical Reading Math Writing Combined
Alabama 6.7 547 538 532 1617
Louisiana 4.6 561 556 550 1667
Mississippi 3.2 583 566 565 1714
In [38]:
px.scatter(data_frame = sat.to_df(), 
           x = 'Combined', 
           y = 'Participation Rate', 
           hover_data = {'State': True},
           title = 'Participation Rate vs. Combined SAT Score for States in 2014')

Quick Check 2

In [39]:
wnba = Table.read_table('data/wnba-2020.csv').select('Player', 'Tm', 'Pos', 'G', 'PTS')
In [40]:
Player Tm Pos G PTS
Natalie Achonwa IND F 18 140
Jaylyn Agnew ATL F 12 15
Bella Alarie DAL C-F 22 59
Kayla Alexander MIN C 16 37
Julie Allemand IND G 22 188
Lindsay Allen LVA G 21 70
Kristine Anigwe LAS F-C 17 78
Ariel Atkins WAS G 22 326
Seimone Augustus LAS G-F 21 124
Rachel Banham MIN G 20 137

... (152 rows omitted)

In [41]:
# wnba.where(____, ____) \
#     .where('G',____) \
#     .column(____).mean()
In [ ]: